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Flipped Classroom Approach

in Hong Kong Higher Education

Our Initiative

We are a group of teachers, researchers, and educational developers at five universities in Hong Kong, including The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, City University of Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong, and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Together, we have initiated this project since July 2017, to support the teachers who would like to adopt the flipped classroom approach to take full advantage of the new pedagogy and overcome the possible challenges.

This project website aims at guiding teachers at every step of effective flipped classroom implementation with constructive suggestions, from planning, and making pre-class materials, to conducting interactive in-class activities and evaluating the whole teaching experience. This site also serves as a platform where teachers can share useful resources and good practice of flipped classroom approach.

Project Background

 “Flipping the classroom” is an intriguing concept in education. Its basic idea is changing the sequence of presenting instructional material and application of knowledge and skills.


In flipped mode, students will meet a topic for the first time online usually through short and informative videos, rather than through attending a face-to-face lecture. They are expected to engage in classroom activities with their peers and the instructor to test and apply the knowledge they learnt beforehand and receive immediate feedback.


In fact, a flipped class can be a challenge for both teachers and students alike, if it lacks detailed planning and appropriate resources and support. As a group of teachers, researchers, and educational developers from five universities in Hong Kong, we therefore initiated this project to provide just that for teachers.

Our Approach

Delivering a successful flipped class is not easy but there are some important elements that make flipped learning work and effective. This project introduces the following components that are deemed essential to successful implementation of the teaching approach. Based on these five components, our project team develops key strategies to guide teachers to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of flipped classroom.


Video lectures are the resources to students for first exposure of the knowledge before the lesson in a flipped classroom. You will get ideas and practical tips for developing effective learning materials.



The benefits of the flipped classroom cannot be obtained if students do not embrace the approach. In this component, you will learn how to provide incentives for students to prepare for class.



Instead of listening to the lecture passively, students are expected to participate in activities that focus on higher level of cognitive activities. You will find interesting ideas for interactive classroom activities. 



Assessments need to be changed as the new approach places emphasis on student engagement inside and outside the classroom. You will find strategies for designing your assessments.



Evaluation is a key component for continuous improvements of any teaching and learning innovations. Learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of your flipped classrooms.

Flipped Classroom Project Introduction
Flipped Classroom Intro Video

Our Collaborative Institutions

This project is funded by the University Grants Committee under the Funding Scheme for Teaching and Learning Related Projects. Our collaborative institutions include The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, City University of Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong, and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. To learn more our project leader and co-leaders from each institution, please visit Contact information.
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