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Flipped Classroom Approach Forum 2017

To support teachers who want to adopt the flipped classroom approach with latest trends and the best strategies, three groups of overseas educational specialists were invited to share their insights and experiences in the Flipped Classroom Approach Forum 2017 on 8 December. Over 80 teachers and colleagues in teaching and learning from different institutions and disciplines participated in the event. Good ideas and effective strategies were shared among the inspiring discussions between the speakers and the audience.
Flipped Classroom Approach Forum 2017
Flipped Classroom Forum 2017

Flipped Classroom Forum 2017


Date: 8 December 2017

Time: 13:45 – 18:15

Venue: LT4, 2/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Presentation Materials

The Tapestry of Flipped Learning: Weaving Online and Face to Face Components Together Seamlessly


Presenters: Dr. Nanda DIMITROV and Ms. Aisha HAQUE


*This material is shared with the participants only. Other users who want to obtain the material should send a request to the project team.

Why Do Flipped Classrooms Sometimes Flop?  

Presenter: Dr. Caroline STEEL



Flipping the Classroom with Team-Based Learning for a More Active and Relevant Learning

Presenter: Mr. Brian O'DWYER



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