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We see the flipped classroom approach more than the re-arrangement of activities inside and outside the classroom, but it also involves a curriculum expansion to include such as group-based interactive learning activities for the teaching quality enhancement. The above definition helps to understand what flipped classroom approach should be, and so to evaluate the effectiveness. Whether the course contents are completely flipped prior to class is not the evaluation focus, but the quality of instruction is.
In our evaluation, we see flipped classroom approach as a teaching strategy that students understand and remember learning contents prior to class, to preserve the time in the classroom for positive and active learning activities. With the above understanding of the flipped classroom approach, we divide the evaluation framework into four sections:


  • Instructional design

  • Learning outcomes
  • Satisfaction
  • Monitoring
1. Instructional design
a.    Rationale and overall planning of implementing flipped classroom approach
b.    Instructional design of pre-class, in-class and post-class assessment and activities
c.    Availability and dissemination of learning and teaching materials and resources for flipped learning and teaching
d.    Review of strategies for future flipped teaching (QA and QE)
2. Learning outcomes
a.    Suitable pre-class teaching activities to help students remember and understand the key concepts of the learning outcomes
b.    Suitable in-class teaching activities to facilitate application and analysis among students
c.    Suitable post-class teaching activities to provide students with opportunities to evaluate and create knowledge related to the learning outcomes
d.    Interactions between teacher and students in the flipped classroom setting to achieve the learning outcomes
e.    Enhancement of generic skill by flipped classroom approach
3. Satisfaction of both teachers and students
a.    Student engagement throughout the flipped teaching
b.    Changes in students' attitude before, during and after the course
c.    Encouragement of real-life application by flipped classroom
d.    Impact of more use of technology on teacher and students and the flipped approach in teaching and learning
4. Efficiency of monitoring the learning process
a.    Constant review of the appropriateness and attainability of scope and level of content
b.    Embedding checkpoints to monitor flipped teaching and student learning
c.    Collection and response to feedback from students
d.    Alignment of assessment activities to recognize student learning
e.    Reliability and stability of learning management platform for flipped teaching
f.    Other QA or QE (external examiners to monitor)
More on evaluation:
(Looking for ideas to run a workshop to guide your fellow faculties to explore and discuss the strategies demonstrated above? Check out the Workshop Resource(s) we prepared for suggested activities, group discussion questions, and more!)
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