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Flipped Classroom Workshop Series 8

Learning By Doing: Low-tech ways to flip classrooms, motivate students and unlock talent

How to unlock student creativity in the classroom and engage students in analysis, problem solving and theory building rather than just application? In this presentation, Professor Groves described some of the fairly low-tech things he has been doing in his large sociology classes to achieve these goals. He gave specific examples of some of his in-class activities to demonstrate what he calls a more “organic” rather than “linear” approach to the flipped classroom. He also talked about how he has adapted some of these activities for the new online teaching environment.

20 April 2020 


10:30 - 12:00

Professor Julian Mcallister Groves

Online (via Zoom)

All teachers and teaching support staff in higher education are welcome


Prof. Groves, Julian Mcallister

Julian M. Groves is a sociologist who holds the position of Associate Professor of Social Science Education at HKUST. Originally from the UK he obtained his PhD at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He researches and publishes articles on migrants, education and youth in Hong Kong.

1. The event is funded by the University Grants Committee under the Funding Scheme for Teaching and Learning Related Proposals.
2. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Man Tsang at
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