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Flipped Classroom Project:

First Community Gathering Was Held Successfully

To further facilitate the advancement and dissemination of the good practices of flipped teaching, we have recently held our first ever community gathering on 21 Sep 2018 (Fri).  Around 20 teachers and their teaching assistants participated and had a fruitful discussion on the flipped classroom approach.  

During the occasion, teachers from our five collaborative institutions shared their ideas, strategies, and experience in flipping their classrooms, and discussed the potentials and challenges of implementing a flipped class.  By creating a platform for communication, we believe that teachers can draw inspirations from, as well as give support to each other in applying the approach.

There will be more similar gatherings organized in the future, and we plan to hold the next gathering at the end of the semester.  Stay tuned to our latest announcement to join us next time! 

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