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Collaborative and interactive activities are the most valuable tools in a successful Flipped Class. Well-designed collaborative and interactive activities facilitate learning process and help your students in many ways:  
Nonetheless, preparing an engaging activity getting students to participate in is not an easy job. Here are some teaching strategies and technologies for enhancing class participation.
1. Peer Instruction
Peer instruction emphasizes class discussion in small group settings on conceptual questions. Instructors first poses questions on pre-class reading. Students then discuss their answers with peers, and afterward, instructors ask the same questions again to see if more explanation is needed. Through asking questions and formulating their own answers, students can clarify concepts better.  Below is the Peer Instruction Model developed by Eric Mazur, who illustrates the essential components in the peer instruction cycle.
Introduction of peer instruction
2. Student Response System
The student response system (SRS), also known as "Clickers", is a medium allowing students in class to respond teachers' questions instantly with simple portal keypads or smart devices. Clickers offer a platform of interactive teaching and learning, in which students express their own responses and opinions without peer pressure, whilst instructors collect instant responses from students and maintain suitable pace of teaching. Prior research revealed that SRS are effective in enhancing students' engagement and facilitating interactions between teachers and students, particularly in large class environments.
Peer instruction@PolyU
In-class discussion with the use of student response system @PolyU
3. Quizo
This strategy is a good way to introduce new topics in flipped class context. Similar to bingo, the objective of Quizo is for groups to answer questions correctly and earn chips which a cover tile on a game board. The first who can cover five sequential tiles will win the game. During discussions on Quizo questions, team members gather information on what they know or don’t know about a topic, and combine shared information to construct new knowledge and answer the questions. An applied mathematics instructor introduce the Quizo game to enhance student engagement in a supposedly plain mathematics classes.
4. Role play
A role play allows students deliberately act out characters, in which students are able to encounter the emotional and intellectual responses in a hypothetical situation. Students have the opportunity to actively apply the knowledge and skills learnt, and understand course concepts from the assigned perspectives in the role play games. Therefore, a successful and stimulating role play game should include thoughtfully designed scenario requiring interaction from stakeholders with multiple perspectives.
For instance, many social work students in the Department of Applied Social Sciences found it illuminating through role play games in exploring the complex emotional processes among different created characters.
Strategies on flipped class activities
(Looking for ideas to run a workshop to guide your fellow faculties to explore and discuss the strategies demonstrated above? Check out the Workshop Resource(s) we prepared for suggested activities, group discussion questions, and more!)
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