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Flipped Classroom Workshop Series 1:

Invited Guests' Sharing on Effective Application

To support teachers to adopt flipped classroom approach in their teaching, a Flipped Classroom Workshop Series was launched in March 2018. The Series consisted of two parts covering overseas examples of effective application, and step-by-step strategies for guiding teachers through the flipped process. 

In this workshop, two renowned guest speakers from Australia and Germany shared how they apply flipped classroom in two different domains: student employability and language learning. 
Invited Guests' Sharing on Effective Application
Date: 6 March 2018 (Tuesday)
Time: 10:00 - 13:00
Venue: MMW707, Mong Man Wai Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Presentation Materials

Language Learning in the Digital Age

Presenter: Professor Juergen Handke

How to Strengthen Students' EmployABILITY through a Flipped Classroom Approach

Presenter: Professor Dawn Bennett

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