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Flipped Classroom Approach Seminar

Digitized & Socialized Learning in An Inverted Classroom

21 March 2019 (Thursday)

14:30 - 17:05

LT4, 3/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong [LocationCampus Map]

  1. Professor Juergen HandkeThe University of Marburg, Germany

  2. Professor Mathew PryorThe University of Hong Kong

Teachers in higher education

Speakers, Abstracts & Presentation Materials
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Prof. Handke, Juergen


Department of English and American Studies
The University of Marburg, Germany
Awardee of the highest Hessian Teaching and Learning Award (2013) and the highest German teaching award - Ars Legendi Prize for Digital Teaching and Learning (2015).

Juergen Handke, Professor of linguistics at Marburg University, runs the Virtual Linguistics Campus, the world's largest learning platform for linguistic content. Its associated YouTube channel contains hundreds of freely available self-produced instructional videos and is the largest of its kind. Handke is the main German representative of the Inverted Classroom Model. In 2013, Handke received the highest Hessian Teaching and Learning Award for his Inverted Classroom Mastery Model, in October 2015 he was awarded the highest German teaching award, Ars Legendi Prize for Digital Teaching and Learning. 2016 he was awarded the DIE-prize for his MOOC #DEU4ARAB. Handke is a member of the national board "Hochschulforum Digitalisierung" and of the advisory board for the foundation of the new TU Nuremberg. In 2017, he started using humanoid robots in digital teaching and learning scenarios (state government funded project H.E.A.R.T).

01/Prof. Handke's Talk

Digitization in teaching and learning: An integrative model of digitization in assessment and in-class collaborations

Nearly all branches of public life have been introducing digital methods into their daily routines with one exception: teaching and learning. Teachers and learners of all levels have by and large been stuck in 20th-century teaching scenarios that dispense with the principles of digitization. In this seminar, Prof. Handke, one of Germany’s leading experts of digital teaching and learning, introduced an integrative model of digitization and showed how new digitized course formats enrich teaching and learning and lead to more individualization and higher degrees of flexibility. A central part of the seminar was dedicated to the integration of assessment and new formats of in-class collaborations.
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Prof. Pryor, Mathew

Head, Division of Landscape Architecture &
Associate Professor (Teaching),
The University of Hong Kong
Awardee of a HKU Teaching Excellence Team Award (2018), HKU Teaching Excellence Award (2012), and Faculty of Architecture Outstanding Teaching Award (2017). 

Prof. Mathew Pryor is an Associate Professor (Teaching) at The University of Hong Kong.  He is Head of the Division of Landscape Architecture, and Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) in the Faculty of Architecture.  He teaches courses on sustainable practices, landscape design and material technologies.  His research addresses issues of greening, public space and walkability in high density cities, and he is also engaged in long term pedagogical studies on the socialisation of online learning within large blended learning courses.  He is Convenor of the HKU Common Core Humanities AOI, and sits on the University’s Teaching & Learning Quality Committee, and is a proud recipient of a HKU Teaching Excellence Team Award (2018), HKU Teaching Excellence Award (2012), and Faculty of Architecture Outstanding Teaching Award (2017), for his work on trans-disciplinary learning, student engagement, experiential learning and inter-cultural group work.  

02/Prof. Pryor's Talk

Socialized learning: Socially shared-regulated learning within a large-sized flipped classroom



Hasler-Waters, L., & Napier, W. (2002). Building and Supporting Student Team Collaboration in the Virtual Classroom. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 3(3), 345-52.


Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.


Vygotsky's Social Constructivist Learning Theory (1978), argued that learning is an active and social process, and recent research studies suggest that technology-based collaborative groups have significantly better learning performance than individual learners, although, most of these studies relate to online distance learning or virtual classroom contexts.


In this seminar, Prof. Pryor presented an on-going teaching development initiative that looks to promote socialized learning within a large-sized flipped classroom in HKU’s Common Core program, as a way of enhancing student engagement and increasing effective collaboration in both pre-class and in-class learning environments.


Based on the five key factors of Hasler-Waters and Napier (2002) ‘effective collaboration model’, (providing support; get acquainted; establish communication; build trust; and get organized) the instructional design aims to facilitate socially shared-regulated learning.  Students are required to work intensively on diverse structured exercises, in the same pre-class and in-class groups, that actively scaffold their learning and knowledge co-construction, by encouraging them to share their own views, explore concepts through different cultural perspectives, and reflect on their own understanding.


The positive impacts of socialized learning on student engagement in the flipped classroom are salient in both student survey and feedback.



This event is funded by the University Grants Committee under the Funding Scheme for Teaching and Learning Related Proposals.
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