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Flipped Classroom Workshop Series 1: Invited Guests' Sharing on Effective Application

To support teachers to adopt flipped classroom approach in their teaching, a Flipped Classroom Workshop Series will be launched in 2018/19. The Series will consist of two parts covering overseas examples of effective application, and step-by-step strategies for guiding teachers through the flipped process. 

In this workshop, two renowned guest speakers from Australia and Germany will share how they apply flipped classroom in two different domains: student employability and language learning. 
Date: 6 March 2018 (Tuesday)
Time: 10:00 - 13:00
Venue: MMW707, Mong Man Wai Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Transportation: Upon exiting University Station Exit D or Exit A, take Shuttle Bus No. 1A or 1B, take off at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall and walk for 2- 3 minutes backwards to MMW (map)
Abstract and Biography
Session 1: Language Learning in the Digital Age
Nearly all branches of public life have been introducing digital methods into their daily routines with one exception: teaching and learning. Teachers and learners of all levels have in many ways been stuck in 20th century teaching scenarios that by and large dispense with the principles of digitization. In his workshop Prof. Handke, one of the Germany's leading experts of digital teaching and learning, focuses on language learning and linguistics and identifies the digital elements, scenarios and formats that not only solve numerous problems of traditional teaching and learning, but will also be beneficial in many ways. Using an integrated model of digitization he also shows how new digitized course formats and modern techniques enrich teaching and learning and lead to more individualization and higher degrees of flexibility.
Jürgen Handke is a German Professor for English Linguistics and Web Technology.
A pioneer of digital teaching and way ahead of his time Handke started to introduce innovative, digital and interactive teaching methods in the form of CD-ROMs in the early 1990s. This new way of teaching resulted in the creation of the world’s first and largest e-learning platform for linguistics, the Virtual Linguistics Campus (VLC) in 2000. The VLC offers more than 500 fully certified linguistic courses and course material for theoretical and applied linguistics, ranging from introductory classes such as Phonology, Morphology, Syntax and Semantics to highly specialised courses such as 'Human Language Technologies'. Currently, the VLC has more than 15,000 active users with more than 3,000 visitors daily. Since 2014 the VLC has hosted the world's first pMOOC-curriculum with currently more than 5,000 active participants (pMOOC:
In 2013 Handke started the Virtual Linguistics Campus YouTube channel, now the largest linguistics channel in the world with almost 5 million clicks and more than 45,000 users and more than 500 videos, which all involve the CC BY licensing model.
Since 2012 Handke published several books about modern teaching, the most influential ones are 2012 'E-Learning, E-Teaching and E-Assessment', 2014 'Patient Hochschullehre' and 2015 'Handbuch Hochschullehre Digital' (2nd extended ed. 2017).
In 2013 Handke received the highest Hessian Teaching and Learning Award for his Inverted Classroom Mastery Model, in October 2015 he was awarded the highest German teaching award, Ars Legendi Prize for Digital Teaching and Learning. 2016 he was awarded the DIE-prize for his MOOC #DEU4ARAB.
In 2017 he received the national OER award for his MOOC #FIT4UNI.
Handke is advisor of several German state governments and member of the national board "Hochschulforum Digitalisierung" and has recently started using humanoid robots in digital teaching and learning scenarios (state government funded project H.E.A.R.T).
Session 2: How to Strengthen Students' EmployABILITY through a Flipped Classroom Approach
Employability is far more than the ability to get a job. Defined as students’ cognitive and social development as capable and informed individuals, professionals and social citizens, the development of employability is the responsibility of educators, students and leaders. How, then, do we engage students? Using the flipped classroom approach, this workshop addresses how to use a flipped classroom to engage students and to overcome limited class time, expertise and resources.
Participants will learn:
  • How to expose students to their employability development through an online, self-assessment profile tool;
  • How to incentivise students to engage with their employability development through resources and career stories;
  • How to assess students’ understanding of their self- and career-development through assessment tasks and research data;
  • How to administer activities that engage students in their cognitive and social development as capable and informed individuals, professionals and social citizens
Workshop leader Professor Dawn Bennett directs the Australian employABILITY initiative, which engages students as partners in their developmental journeys by creating a better understanding of students’ thinking as aspiring professionals. This cognitive approach aligns employability development with both the purpose of higher education and the future of work. 
The workshop utilises the validated Literacies for Life (L4L) measure, which combines six, inter-related literacies to enhance employability and inform personal and professional development.
For more information on the initiative, visit the educator or student sites below.
Educator site:
Student site:
Dawn Bennett is John Curtin Distinguished Professor of Higher Education and Director of the Creative Workforce Initiative with Curtin University in Australia. Dawn is a leading expert on the development of employability. Her research focuses on the development of employability, including identity and graduate work. Dawn is a National Senior Australian Learning and Teaching Fellow and Principal Fellow with the Higher Education Academy in the UK. She is currently leading research to embed a metacognitive model for employability with faculty and students in Australia, the UK, Europe and the US. Dawn is Vice-Chair Australia for the International Federation of National Teaching Fellows. Dawn has a discipline background in music and retains an active interest in arts-based research. Publications appear at Researchgate.
1. To learn more about the workshop series, please visit
2. The event is funded by the University Grants Committee under the Funding Scheme for Teaching and Learning Related Projects.
3. Registration will be closed once available places are filled.
4. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Charlene Li at
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