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Flipped Classroom Workshop Series 3:

Five Strategic Components Towards Effective Flipped Classroom

This workshop focuses on tips and strategies of five key components to enhance the effectiveness of flipped classroom, namely Exposure, Incentive, Activities, Assess and Evaluation. The speakers will not only elaborate how to apply the strategies to lead to a successful flip, but also demonstrate good practices derived from various teaching cases in different institutions. 
Date: 12 March 2018 (Monday)
Time: 15:30 - 18:05
Venue: W208, Industrial Centre, The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong
Abstract and Biography
Session 1: Pragmatic Guides to Flipped Learning Material Development
This workshop aims to summarize CityU's experience of developing instructional video-based learning materials for pre-class learning. The key concept of "One-minute instructional video" will be highlighted. Suggested best practices for educators to streamline their learning materials development will be presented for the implementation of flipped classroom.
Mr. Tarloff Im
(Education Development Officer, Office of Education Development and Gateway Education, City University of Hong Kong)
Ms. Angel Lu
(Instructional Designer, Office of the Chief Information Officer, City University of Hong Kong)

Session 2: Incentive – Engaging Students in a Flipped Classroom


We will share how Flipped Classroom approach is being piloted in HKBU and elaborate how online materials and in-class activities are meticulously designed to enhance students’ learning experience. By using different strategies and tools, we aim to get students’ buy-in of the innovations as well as ensure students’ adequate before-class preparations.


Dr. Theresa Kwong

(Assistant Director, Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University)

Dr. Vincent K.K. Leung

(Lecturer I, Department of Marketing, Hong Kong Baptist University)

Session 3: Reconsidering Assessments in a Flipped Classroom Course
Assessment can be the single most influential element in any curriculum that prescribes students’ approach to learning. Achieving a good grade in a course is inevitably the thing that many students care the most. In other words, if we could align our assessments better with the goals we would like students to achieve through the flipped classroom approach, more likely it will be for the innovations to succeed. In general, assessments in courses that employ the flipped classroom approach should be design in such a way that they motivate students to spend effort in participating in all the self-learning and classroom learning activities. In the workshop we will explore this idea further with suggestions of practical strategies.

Prof. Paul Lam

(Associate Professor, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Session 4: Collaborative Learning Activities for Flipped Classroom – Variety, Implementation, and Evidence

We will present a snapshot of activities deemed effective for facilitating collaborative learning in a flipped classroom context.
Across different implementation phases of flipped classroom cycles from pre-class, in-class, and post-class phases, the team will share a wide array of synchronous and asynchronous activities for flipped classroom, including techniques related to peer instructions, formative assessment, and problem-solving.
Showcases of some of these techniques employed in higher education sector will illuminate planning and implementation of these techniques in both large or small classroom contexts.
Empirical basis for effectiveness of various flipped classroom collaborative learning techniques will be briefly examined for considerations regarding adoption and choice of flipped classroom activities in context.


Dr. Kevin Chan

(Research Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Session 5: Evaluation of Flipped Classroom – Framework, Strategies, Instruments and Tips

In this sharing, we will talk about the evaluation framework of our on-going flipped classroom project, the strategies and development of the instruments for the evaluation process, as well as some preliminary findings in the trial evaluations of the flipped classroom approaches by using such evaluation framework and strategies in the EDUHK.
Experience and tips for implementing the evaluation process of the flipped classroom will be shared in the talk including the evaluation of the following dimensions of the course: the planning in terms of pre-class, in-class and post-class learning activity designs; the effectiveness in terms of achieving the learning objectives; the relevance in terms of achieving satisfaction and the efficiency in terms of the administrative part of the learning process.

Dr. Ka Luen Cheung

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, The Education University of Hong Kong)

1. To learn more about the workshop series, please visit
2. The event is funded by the University Grants Committee under the Funding Scheme for Teaching and Learning Related Projects.
3. Registration will be closed once available places are filled.
4. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Charlene Li at
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